Fall 2024 - Children's Catechesis Registration

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In Children's Catechesis, we seek to create a spiritually nourishing environment for the child to come close to God and to participate more fully in the life of His Church. We utilize Bible stories, play, singing, prayer, and creativity in our children’s atrium, which is a special space prepared specifically for children to worship God.

As we begin this new year, please register your child(ren) 9 and under for Children’s Catechesis.

Nursery Catechesis is for children 6 weeks–2 years old. Children who turn 3–9 on or before September 1 will be in the two atriums near the playground door.

All catechesis classes will meet Sunday mornings from 9:30–10:30am. In addition to the Catechesis hour, the nursery is also available during the 10:45 Eucharist service. If utilizing the nursery, parents may drop their child off 10 minutes before the service begins and are asked to pick their child up during the passing of the peace. Registration is for catechesis classes only. There is no need to register your child if they will only be cared for during the service. 

At your earliest convenience, please register each of your children, 0-9, so that we can better prepare for them. We look forward to serving them!

Please contact Brandi Guel at brandi@christchurchwaco.org with any questions.
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